Recents in Beach

Initial Test Introduction Panel


There are three kinds of Tests. These details are given below:
1.     Verbal Intelligence Tests
2.     Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
3.     Academic Test

  1.        1.  Verbal Intelligence Test
In a Verbal Intelligence Test the items are expressed in language forms. In this test, there are about 96 questions which are to be answered in a brief time of about half an hour.
The candidate must begin with solving the easy questions. He must try to solve them correctly. He must not be in much haste to spoil his work. He must be patient and steady in solving the problems. His confidence will help him to gain credit for himself in the tests.
             (i)              Analogy Test
      (ii)             Relationship Test
           (iii)                       Jumbled Test or Jumbled Spelling Test
           (iv)                        Jumbled Sentence Test
            (v)             Coding and Decoding Test
           (vi)                       Same Class Test  
          (vii)                       Best Reason or Multiple Choice Test
         (viii)                       Synonym Test
           (ix)                       Antonym Test
            (x)             Direction Sense Test
           (xi)                       Assigning Correct Mathematical Signs
          (xii)                      Words Building Test  
         (xiii)                     Sequence Test
         (xiv)                      Blood Relationship Test
         (xv)                        Confusing Instructions Test  
         (xvi)                     Letter Completion Test
        (xvii)                     Supplying Missing Figures in Simple Arithmetic
       (xviii)                    General Knowledge Test    
         (xix)                    Word Finding
          (xx)                      Absurdity Finding Test

(          2.    Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
In Non-Verbal Intelligence Test there are 96 Questions are available in 2nd Test.  Only 40 Minutes will available to complete this Test. Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests also known as matrics test, require utmost  presence of mind , lot of common sense , unwavering attention and sharp wit.

    Tests do not require any proficiency in any language to solve the problem.         Moreover, a candidate is not require to draw any figure or diagram. The question in these tests is the problem in form of figures. designs and drawings. With every question, variation alternate answers are given and the candidate is required to spot the correct answer and t write it number only in the space provided for it in the separate answer sheet.  

     Non-Verbal Tests can be of various types depending upon its relation with the objects nature of functioning etc. What for briefly we shall be discussing only the most relevant and commonly used test these are mainly of three types is:

         (i)           Series
        (ii)           Analogy
       (iii)                     Classification 
       (iv)                     Matrix Test
        (v)           Sequence Test 
       (vi)                     Mechanical Aptitude Test
      (vii)                    Word Association Test
      (viii)                  Thematic Apperception Test
        (ix)                    Psychological Situational Test
         (x)           Block Making Test

3         3.   Academic Test
In this test there are 50 Question will provided and every student have 40 Minutes to compete this test. These questions are providing in these sections:
  • Gen Knowledge
  • Islamic Studies
  •  Math
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Current Affairs
  • IQ Test etc.

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